Hearst Fellowships

Journalism Fellowships | Sales Fellowships

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How to apply:

Please print and complete the application. This must be submitted along with the following:

  • A one page resume
  • A brief essay (not to exceed one page) describing your sales experience to date, and why we should choose you for this program.
  • One letter of recommendation from someone familiar with your skills in sales

Send to:

Michael Pettiette, Manager Sales Development
Houston Chronicle
801 Texas Avenue
Houston, TX 77008    michael.pettiette@chron.com


All applications must arrive by November 5, 2010.

How Applicants are Selected:

Finalists will be selected from the applications received. They will be asked to participate in a face-to-face panel interview with Houston Chronicle advertising executives. As part of the interview, they will be asked to make a presentation on a specific topic.

6 candidates will be selected for the program beginning January 3, 2011.

Download Application

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