Hearst Fellowships

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Hearst Fellowships jump-start great careers in journalism.
The experience you build as a Hearst Fellow is the start of a very solid foundation for your career in journalism.

Our objective is to recruit, train and retain talented journalists of diverse backgrounds. We are looking to help develop excellent multimedia professionals from the country's best reporters, copy editors, photographers, designers and graphic artists. Candidates should be college graduates or others with interest, experience or background in journalism or related fields. Those selected will have the opportunity to grow in one of the world’s best journalism organizations.

How Fellows are selected.
A panel of journalism professionals will review applications and select finalists. Finalists will participate in a two-day interview process at the Houston Chronicle in April at which time Hearst Fellows will be selected. Hearst Newspapers covers all travel costs for the interviews.

Professional assistance to ensure your best opportunity for success.

If you are offered and accept a position, you will be assigned an adviser and have the opportunity to develop mentoring relationships with seasoned professionals throughout Hearst Newspapers.

Your adviser will be a manager with expertise in your area of interest and will be responsible for scheduling your job rotations and designing your formal plan.

Program features and benefits.
The Fellowship is a biennial, 18-month program focusing on multimedia journalism. The Fellows will begin with a two-week multimedia boot camp followed by two 9-month rotations at our top metro papers. Throughout the program, Fellows will receive formal training, mentoring and work experience alongside award-winning journalists. Hearst Fellows are paid, full-time employees of Hearst Newspapers.

What it could mean to your future.

You may be offered a job at the end of the 18-month program.

While participation in the program is not a guarantee of future employment, our goal is to recruit candidates who eventually will join our full-time professional staff. All of us at Hearst Fellowships have an investment in your future... and in the future of Hearst Newspapers.

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