Hearst Fellowships

Journalism Fellowships | Sales Fellowships

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Do you have

a story to tell?

(and know how to tell it?)

If you have the skills, passion and determination to be a journalist of the future – a trained professional who knows a good story when they see it and who has the confidence to tell it in a way that best imparts its relevance and importance to news consumers – a Hearst Fellowship may be right for you

The Fellowship is a biennial, 18-month program focusing on multimedia journalism. The Fellows will begin with a two-week multimedia boot camp followed by two 9-month rotations at one of our top metro papers.

Fellows can expect to write stories, shoot and produce their own videos, blog and use social media to raise awareness of their work. You don’t have to be perfect at all these skills when you enter the program, but you will be by the time you finish.

that’s our story – what’s yours?

Stephanie Lee Stephanie Lee

University of California, Berkeley graduate
Jessica Kwong Jessica Kwong

University of California, Berkeley graduate
Zain Shauk Zain Shauk

University of Southern California, Los Angeles graduate
Applications will be accepted
Sep - Dec 2011.
For more detail, click here.
Please plan time to
complete and mail your
application. For requirements
and a printable version,
click here.
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